Type of Entity(Required) Please Select One Owner Tenant Vendor Other
Type of Owner Request(Required) Please Select One Enter or Pay Bill Issue Credit Lease Only (LO) Payout Owner Disbursement Refund/Reimburse Update Info/Check Status Other
Type of Tenant Request(Required) Please Select One Add, edit, or Reverse Charge Issue Credit Refund Tenant (Not SD) Update Info/Check Status Other
Type of Vendor Request(Required) Please Select One Enter or Pay Bill Pay Vendor Hold Funds Issue Advance Deposit Update Info/Check Status Other
Type of Other Request(Required) Please Select One Update Info/Check Status Other
Add, Edit, or Reverse Charge ProfitCoach will: Adjust the tenant ledger in the way you specify – add a new outstanding charge, edit an existing charge, or reverse an existing charge so it no longer appears on the tenant ledger. –ALTERNATES– If you want to offset a charge but you want both the charge and the offset to appear on the tenant ledger, please use “Issue Credit”.
Add, Edit, or Reverse Charge(Required) Please Select One Charge owner Charge tenant Charge bill to tenant Reverse Tenant charge Reverse owner/property bill Edit bill
If this bill has already been paid, how would you like us to proceed?
Cancellation ProfitCoach will: Stop all recurring charges after the Date of Cancellation, remove the property reserve, use all remaining funds to pay outstanding bills, send any remaining funds to owner, prepare standard paperwork, and hide property & owner when complete. –ALTERNATES– If the tenant needs to be closed out first, select “Yes” to the question about outstanding tasks and let us know in the space provided. Then submit an additional request for “Tenant” > “SD Refund or Transfer” and select “Transfer”.
Cancellation(Required) Please Select One Adjust previous cancellation Cancellation (ASAP) Cancellation (future date)
Items to Cancel Please Select One Owner & all properties Specific properties only
Has the SD been transferred to the owner/new management company? Please Select One Yes, it has been transferred No, but the transfer has been requested No, and the transfer has NOT been requested No, but a transfer request is NOT necessary
If an SD transfer is necessary, but has NOT been requested, then please submit an additional request (SD Refund or Transfer > Transfer SD) with this cancellation request.
Are there any outstanding tasks that must be completed before ProfitCoach can process this cancellation? Yes No
What outstanding tasks must be completed before ProfitCoach can process this cancellation?
If a property has a negative balance, how would you like us to proceed?
Enter or Pay Bill ProfitCoach will: Enter the bill from the information provided (work order, amount, property, vendor, attachments, etc.), approve the bill, and pay the bill according to the “Payment Urgency” you specify below. NOTE: By default, bills will be paid in the normal payment schedule – please select a different “Urgency” if you need it paid at a different time.
Issue Credit ProfitCoach will: Enter a credit to the tenant ledger using the amount & GL you specify. This credit will show on the tenant ledger and will keep all tenant funds on the property. Please indicate whether the owner or the management company should bear the cost. –ALTERNATES– (1) To fully remove a previous charge from the tenant ledger, please use “Add, Edit, or Reverse Charge”. (2) To send funds back to the tenant, please use “Refund Tenant (Not SD)”.
Issue Credit ProfitCoach will: Enter a payables credit from the information provided (amount, vendor/payee, property). NOTE: Owner credits are invisible until they are applied against a bill. A credit for a future bill will not appear on the owner statement, even if the credit is entered in the system, until the future bill is entered and the credit is applied. –ALTERNATES– If you want the credit to show on the owner statement immediately, please use “Refund/Reimburse”
Issue Credit(Required) Please Select One Tenant (general) Tenant (apply to specific charge or GL) Owner Late fee Free month of management
Related Late Fees to Credit Lease Only (LO) Payout ProfitCoach will: Verify that the correct fee has been billed and paid out to the management company, process any final owner disbursement needed, verify that all the accounting (owner, tenant, property) is clear and ready to close out if desired, and close out the records if desired.
Lease Only (LO) Payout(Required) Please Select One Standard Other
Owner Disbursement ProfitCoach will: Verify that the property has enough funds for the disbursement, and process the disbursement for the requested amount. NOTE: By default, disbursements will be paid in the regular disbursement schedule – please select a different “Payment Urgency” if you need it paid at a different time. –ALTERNATES– To refund the owner/property account without making an actual cash payment to the owner, please use “Refund/Reimburse”.
Owner Disbursement(Required) Please Select One Early/additional disbursement Hold payments
Pay Vendor ProfitCoach will: Locate the specified bill, verify that the property has enough funds to pay the bill, and process the bill payment. We will notify you if anything is preventing us from paying the bill.
Pay Vendor(Required) Please Select One Early payment Reissue payment Payment plan to vendor Hold/pause payment Do not pay
If the property does not have sufficient funds... Please Select One Wait until funds are available PM will ask for owner contribution Front funds from Corp, and bill OWNER for reimbursement Front funds from Corp, and charge TENANT for reimbursement Management will cover cost
Refund/Reimburse ProfitCoach will: Record the reimbursement in AppFolio, and transfer funds from the corporate operating account into the property/client rental trust account. NOTE: The owner will not receive a disbursement unless specifically requested. NOTE: Please indicate if this is a temporary reimbursement and we should expect the management company to be repaid. If so, please indicate if we expect repayment from the owner or the tenant.
Refund/Reimburse(Required) Please Select One Refund management fee Refund vendor bill that was charged to owner Refund vendor bill that was charged to tenant
Disburse funds to the owner/tenant? No, actual funds do not need to be disbursed Yes, disburse funds ASAP
Cost should be covered by... Please Select One Management Company Vendor Tenant
SD Refund or Transfer ProfitCoach will: Check to see if this is a refund or a transfer. REFUND: Verify all charges are added to the move-out, verify the refund or balance due is expected, transfer SD funds if necessary, post & finalize move-out accounting, issue any refund needed, and prepare standard paperwork. TRANSFER: Close out the tenant records at $0, send the security deposit to the owner or new PM that you specify, and prepare standard paperwork. –ALTERNATES– To complete the full property/owner cancellation, submit an additional request for “Owner” > “Cancellation”.
Security Deposit (SD) Refund or Transfer(Required) Please Select One Refund SD Transfer SD Move Out (MO) Adjustment
Tenant Charges Tenant Credits SD Refund Split Please Select One Evenly split amongst tenant(s) Custom split amongst tenant(s) Send to ONLY one tenant Only tenant(s) that are moving out
Transfer SD to... Please Select One Owner New property management company Other property (current/past tenant) Other property (future tenant)
Special Instructions for SD
How should the Move Out (MO) be adjusted?
Has the Security Deposit (SD) been sent? Please Select One No, it has not been sent Yes, but it has NOT been cashed Yes, but UNSURE if it has been cashed Yes, and it has been cashed
If the SD has been cashed, how would you like us to proceed?
Hold Funds ProfitCoach will: Put all owner disbursements on hold, stop all management or vendor payments except for the ones you specify, and put flags in our process to spot and prioritize the bill you specify so it gets paid first. NOTE: When you are ready to release the hold, submit another “Hold Funds” request and note that this is the releasing of the hold requested earlier.
Issue Advance Deposit ProfitCoach will: Locate the bill and verify the information, verify that the property has enough funds to pay the advance, and make a partial payment on the bill for the amount you specify.
Update Info/Check Status ProfitCoach will: Locate the tenant’s records, review the particular item you are asking about, update AppFolio as needed, and send you a status update.
Update Info/Check Status ProfitCoach will: Locate the owner’s records, review the particular item you are asking about, update AppFolio as needed, and send you a status update.
Update Info/Check Status ProfitCoach will: Locate the vendor’s records, review the particular item you are asking about, update AppFolio as needed, and send you a status update.
Update Info/Check Status(Required) Please Select One SD Status/Reissue Vendor payment status HUD Status Bank deposit status Tax documents/1099 Property/unit info Owner info Tenant info Vendor info Owner statement explanation Telnant ledger explanation Tenant ledger (merged portfolio) explanation
How should the field(s) be updated?
If the payment has NOT cleared yet, how would you like us to proceed?
How can we help clarify this report?
Other ProfitCoach will: Follow standard procedures for standard requests, thoroughly research and resolve unique cases, and send you a status update.
Other(Required) Please Select One Adjust property reserve HUD adjustment Death of owner Transfer of ownership Custom grace period Other
Custom Grace Period Instructions
Refund Tenant (Not SD) ProfitCoach will: Verify that the property has enough funds, set up the refund on the tenant ledger, issue the check through AppFolio, and send you the check to mail. –ALTERNATES– (1) If you choose to send the payment by ACH, please make sure the tenant’s banking information is attached to their tenant page in AppFolio. (2) To hold the tenant’s funds as a prepayment for future charges, please use “Issue Credit”.
Details Payment Urgency Regular pay schedule ASAP Future date Payment plan Do NOT pay until further notice
Payment Method(Required) Please Select One Check ACH
How will the check be delivered?(Required) Please Select One Mail In person
Where should the check be sent?
What happened that made this request necessary, and how can we resolve your issue?
Please check all that apply to this request Additional Requirements, Context, Comments, Etc.