ProfitCoach: Client Gift Batch Report

Thank you for enabling our clients to receive their gifts! Please let us know which gifts you were able to send out today.

Date Batch Was Sent(Required)
Time Started
Time Ended
OR Total Time Spent on batch

Explanation of the “Gift Batch ID”: In the Master Gift Tracker sheet, please enter a batch ID of your choosing next to every gift that you sent out today. Then reference that batch ID below. This way you can report on multiple gifts at once without having to enter a lot of info in this form. 🙂 

Explanation of the Time Started / Time Ended / Total Time: Please let us know how long you worked on these gifts today so we know how much to pay you! You can report the time either by entering your start & end times, OR by entering the total time worked to the “Total Time Spent on batch” field.